
Monday, November 03, 2014

Some links are to sites or thoughts with which the Crabgrass author disagrees.

Sometimes not. Figure out which type of link this is. I voted Williams over Buchholz. Seeing things the other way. It is strange to see complaints over small dollar amounts involved in unloading unproductive city owned real estate, when there was no criticism from that direction when the Bob Ramsey - Matt Look council was in its heydays of waste, on Darren, who was paid a million and a quarter of city money for not moving unproductive city owned real estate. But he did a lot of hand holding and booster talking, he did do that. And one low-figure real estate deal, vs. all the MSA money spent on the Legacy school interchange at Hwy 116 and Armstrong, but without any Legacy Christian School to show for the spending -- yet this linked-to author must love Legacy beyond any levels of criticism or questioning. Bless him. At some point he may run for office. On what, the let's go back to Darren ticket? Who knows.