
Monday, November 24, 2014

Help support Bluestem Prairie - an award winning opinion and reporting website which has the distinction of breaking numerous stories picked up by Crabgrass and other progressive websites.

The site is owned and edited by Sally Jo Sorensen, who lives in Maynard, Minnesota, a small town of 266 people in Chippewa County.

Content first published by Bluestem Prairie has been featured on The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Mother Jones, Think Progress, Raw Story, Right Wing Watch, Huffington Post, the Star Tribune, and other venues.

Content is crossposted at Twin Cities Daily Planet, MinnPost and The Column.

It is a time for generosity for good causes.

This is one Minnesota deserving cause. Published faithfully for years of consistent, thorough, quality reporting and analysis.

This link - Contributions can be made online via PayPal, or by mail:

(if mailing, please make checks payable to)

Sally Jo Sorensen P.O. Box 108, Maynard MN 56260

-- and if you mail a check, don't forget on the memo line to write:

"Crabgrass convinced me."