
Monday, October 06, 2014

Sharon Sund is runing as the DFL candidate for CD3, where Erik Paulsen, with an egregious voting record on the Environment, is the Republican incumbent. Please contribute to support the best chance of Sund being elected. The air, water and earth will thank you.

This is from an email sent by Sund to subscribers. All links are from the original item:

Erik Paulsen may talk a good game about renewable energy, but his voting record tells a whole different story. Increasing the risk of air, water, and soil contamination and pollution is terrible policy, but Rep. Paulsen…

…voted to bar the EPA from regulating greenhouse gasses.
…voted to subsidize Big Oil with continued massive tax cuts that they don’t need.
…voted against funding for research into renewable energy and improving energy efficiency.
…voted to cut funds from safety inspectors for pipelines and hazardous materials.
…voted to gut the Clean Air Act and block air pollution rules from being enforced.
…voted to open even more of the Gulf of Mexico to oil and gas drilling, even after the BP spill.
…voted against funding for climate change assessments and response plans.
Representative Erik Paulsen has voted with the most conservative members of his party in ways that risk the health of our planet and our communities. Developing clean, renewable energy is one of the most important steps we can take to boost job creation and protect our environment. We need a representative who understands that fact and will vote accordingly.

Join us in taking a stand to protect our planet, our families, and our economic future. Tell Rep. Paulsen that you reject his dangerous votes that put our health at risk, and demand accountability for his disastrous environmental record.

Paid for and Prepared by Sharon Sund for Congress

Sharon Sund for Congress
P.O. Box 46142
3300 Plymouth Blvd
Plymouth MN 55447 United States