
Monday, September 29, 2014

Wayne Buchholz at it again.

How many flags do you feel a need to wrap yourself in? If any. Some feel exceptional wants, that way. But wants are not needs ...

This screen capture:

This is not a fellow wanting to be head of his Legion post. He is running for a civil office, and his main campaign focus is back on Vietnam, and he waves a bunch of flags but says little of whether he is happy we went there doing what was done, or whether it's a lesson learned about government making boneheaded decisions that killed a lot of Americans and many, many more Vietnamese by following the French into the quagmire of opposing a post-WW II freedom fighting effort against imperial reassertion.

Why is the guy doing this? It has zippo to do with qualification for office or hopes and goals if elected. It's theater, not discussion. It makes no sense to me.

He served. Okay. A marine, hence he volunteered back when he was young. So?

What from there? Half a century ago he volunteered for a war many questioned at the time and many more now say it was a mistake. So elect the guy?

Does any of that hang together as logical, to you?

It's like saying elect me because I am left-handed, or elect me because I had surgery in 2004 for a medical condition, or elect me because I am a blonde. It's irrelevant.

Is the suggestion we should further militarize our police, give them flags too? I fail to understand a cogent message to "combat marine veteran" in terms of being on a town council.

Wave that bunch of flags all you want, but what's your policy on Town Center? More Darren, as it was last election? Has it changed? Is there any evolution of THOUGHT?

UPDATE: For Buchholz, this link. From there, the chorus:

Wave that flag
Wave it wide and high
Summertime done
Come and gone
My oh my

Readers are encouraged to submit cogent comments explaining how half a century ago volunteering as a youth to go as a marine to war in Vietnam is relevant to whether to vote Kris Williams or to vote Wayne Buchholz. (Cogent being the operative term.)

FURTHER UPDATE: More Buchholz at it. This link. Two political opportunists get five hundred nine signatures that Minnesotans should be allowed conceal/carry without any background check, without any permitting process, their logic being,

One does not need a permit to attend the church of your choice, to write a letter to the editor, to be free from search and seizure, or to speak your mind in public. Why are our Second Amendment rights so much more difficult to exercise?

Well, for one, going to the church of your choice does not make it easier to kill somebody in a fit of rage and passion, unless the hymnal is really big and heavy and an enemy is in the pew in front of you. Come on. This stuff is super stupid. How about:

Wave that handgun
Wave it wide and high
Summertime done
Come and gone
My oh my

Personally, I think it best if that bunch stuck to flags. It's less disconcerting.

FURTHER UPDATE: Everybody loves a parade; flags and stuff; crypto-military parahnenalia as at hand to display. This image, from this item. But that's not Buchholz. Not Vietnamese either.

However, do acknowledge, the Vietnamese have war memorials too. It was war on their soil. They won.

Flags. A discliplined display. Carried by hand, not parked as props on some truck by a civilian politician.