
Thursday, September 18, 2014

ANOKA - HIGHWAY 1O COALITION PROPOSAL - Townwise, are the ghosts of past grudges at play; or is a $45,000 budget item really a stumbling block? Or is the town exploring freeriding on other's pocketbooks? Would that be a first? But, then I read the article, see "Elwyn Tinklenberg," and agree with Anoka. Not worth it. Plus, now there's federal money ...

This ABC Newspapers link. Read it. Think things over. I find the Tinklenberg family's support of Alexandra House laudable. I do not care much for revolving door lobbyists. I am with Anoka, 100%. Possibly for different reasons.

ABC Newspapers also reports:

Klobuchar, Franken announce $10 million for Highway 10 improvements
By ABC Newspapers - September 11, 2014 at 2:11 pm

U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken Thursday announced $10 million to upgrade infrastructure and improve safety at the Highway 10 and Armstrong Boulevard intersection.

The funding will be used to construct an interchange, build an overpass over railway tracks, widen the corridor and construct a pedestrian walkway. Construction of the interchange and overpass will improve traffic operations and eliminate delays to train blockage of crossings. The proposed project will also provide a pedestrian walkway so that pedestrians will no longer need to walk across the highway. Since 2003, 12 pedestrians have died trying to cross Highway 10 between the cities of Anoka and Ramsey.

[...] Klobuchar has consistently urged the department of transportation to support this critical project. She spoke with Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx in June about the importance of Highway 10 at a Senate Commerce Committee hearing. [...]

Last year, Franken hosted a roundtable discussion in Ramsey with local business owners and law enforcement officers to build support for this interchange. He has repeatedly urged the department of transportation to award funding for this project, and specifically wrote a letter of support for this grant application.

No mention of CD6 retiring rep Bachmann being helpful in any way whatsoever. Probably tied up reminiscing of how Klobuchar helped her Stillwater Bridge desires; thinking of Sorenson in Iowa, his mishaps.