
Saturday, August 16, 2014

We in Ramsey had much debate on franchise fee usage as a regressive tax, with local conservatives opposed to its use for that reason. Now we have The McFadden on both sides of the regressive tax fence. Not starddling. Hopping back and forth, all in a day's work.

strib photo, cropped -
Is that a handler in the background?
Abby Simons first reported The McFadden's yo-yo on the gas tax; here. It was picked up by a pseudonymous writer at MN Progressive Project, with added interesting editorializing, here; and with quoting from Simons' reporting. It's worth reading those items directly without any excerpt or commentary here, beyond noting the links and noting that at MN Progressive Project Dan Burns had a post with an image The McFadden might imitate; Mills III's semi-unique way of avoiding blurting out something stupid.