
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Primary is over. Candidates moving on: McFadden, Johnson, Otto, Simon, Whelan, Kahn, Loon, and in Ramsey, Buchholz and Williams.

Some of the statewide contests can be looked at in terms of how the percentages might have differed by congressional district. There might be some insight there.

In Ramsey, there is a contrast between finalists. In November the choice will be between a fundamentalist Christian Republican and another EDA person with two already on council.

Old Ramsey neighborhoods will face a choice. Both Williams and Buchholz are, relatively speaking, new to Ramsey. Hendriksen was the old Ramsey voice, and went unheard.

A thought from that is whether it means the "need to work on the roads" will entail sewer and water routing into the established neighborhoods on lots of an acre more or less, with the cost not necessarily "assessed" but with SAC and WAC charges possible, even without connection being forced. After all, the SAC and WAC middle letter stands for "access" and not connection.

Whether the charter as it stands is sufficient without specifically saying "access" fees cannot be charged without connection, and connection cannot be forced is a question for study. And which of the two continuing candidates is most favorably inclined to the question of the established neighborhoods and the distress that mid five figure SAC + WAC impositions would cause, is at this point an open question. Buchholz is more likely to be sympathetic that way, at a guess, than Williams [EDA background].

Curiously, Crabgrass and Reflections in Ramsey seldom agree, but each thought Hendriksen the better choice. For now, thought is best before comment beyond the above, so Reflections in Ramsey holds the day for quick decision publishing.