
Monday, August 11, 2014

RAMSEY: ABC Newspapers headline, "Ramsey approves Riverdale Drive bid"

Item is authored by Eric Hagen, dated Aug. 8, 2014, with opening paragraph, and two ending paragraphs stating:

The Ramsey City Council July 22 approved a $2.65 million contract for the reconstruction and extension of Riverdale Drive, south of Highway 10.

[...] Aside from the $702,000 from MnDOT’s Cooperative Agreement grant, $158,000 is coming from state gas tax revenue through MnDOT’s Municipal State Aid program. The remaining $1.79 million is mostly coming from various city utility funds, but a small percentage will come from proceeds from a city tax increment finance district.

Westby said while the water main is being extended, the sanitary sewer would not be, because of the need of lift stations to get material through the gravity sanitary sewer system. Future developers would have to install lift stations.

For intervening detail, again, this link. Reporting did not present council member or staff quotes, nor was the vote breakdown reported. Any reader feeling it relevant and knowing how the vote went is invited to leave a comment with that detail.