
Friday, August 08, 2014

One site leads to another.

From learning of a site with this story, viewing the sidebar site log, this appeared an interesting title. There's a types of cronyism chart, and an embedded video which I did not watch but which others might. One of the chart boxes said "Nienow" to me, but what do I know. Circumstance is sometimes hard to sort from causal situations, without insider knowledge. There is a related web log (the "web log" term having morphed over time to "blog").

That blog links to an ALEC publication (which omits all mention of extraction industry subsidy via outdated federal legislation barring the government from selling mining or oil extraction rights at market value, for instance, which should not surprise many what with ALEC being close to Koch Industries' pocketbooks). Nonetheless, that ALEC item refers to a NY Times item (to me a trustworthy source unlike ALEC, where opinions can differ), here. That Times item relates to business subsidy, where capitalist cronyism can be replete, (but need not be), simply because, for example, even the most well-managed Minnesota towns need to get into TIF competitions because everybody does it or forego some forms of growth opportunity captured by more pliant towns.