
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Atlas Thugged.

Image from The Economist, online here. Same source, here and here; the latter item riffing on the thuggery. The former item concludes with a view of a Grayson bill that did not energize the druthers of leadership anywhere in DC.

An interesting Strib oped, here. Growing up white in Ferguson, before the town had transitioned, as it began transitioning racially. NEXT - Part of an answer, here, here and here. It seems likely that if a body cam is routinely required, kept in good working order at all times, the added carrying weight might make the badge seem less heavy. Objective evidence of every police encounter with citizens, the camera that neither lies nor misrecollects with time, how can that be wrong? And kept in good working order, and required at all times, are needed predicates to full effectiveness.

__________FURTHER UPDATE_________
Ferguson officials show a learning curve, per a press release reprinted by The Wire. Dash and vest cams being one item noted (though not irrevocably promised). Close to an irrevocable promise, but not completely that. No purchase order cut at present. No deadline for one to be issued.