
Thursday, July 03, 2014

What in total does the woofing mean? If ever there was a boldly open statement begging for detail to flesh it out, this is it.

From the 6/20/14 "Email Update" online here [which curiously discusses nationwide student loan problems without any mention of John Kline, the dog being blind in one eye ...]:

Sadly, Watchdog Jason Tossey has decided that he's had enough and will be stepping back into private life.

However, two Watchdogs are among four candidates seeking a council seat under Ramsey's ward system.

Wayne Buchholz and Terry Hendriksen would both bring a strong measure of sanity to the current situation, one that makes the Obama Administration look competent.

The Watchdog will keep readers informed of other candidates as information becomes available.

Remember that the information chain works both ways.

Well, I would like the "information chain" to be a little longer between the anchor spot and the dog's neck, with the watchdog then able and taking more room to wander a bit, on that part of the post.

Knowing less of Buchholz than of Hendriksen, I see them as largely different people. Hendriksen during his service on Ramsey's council showed caution in recognizing downside risk in the days when Town Center was being promoted in several venues, Met Council and the Ramsey city council table being prominent that way. Buchholz seems more an ideologue. To me. Perhaps more on that later, but I am troubled by this photo of the Buchholz spouses with, I believe, Ramsey resident Nathan Lukasavitz (with his back to the camera). The image, captured earlier [update: 6/14/2014 10:23 AM] from Maria Buchholz's Facebook page when posted there earlier, was scrubbed from that site at least as of today, but with the accompanying photo from that situation left posted there as image 7 of 8):

While that level of "policy thought" on the younger gentleman's shirt has less a place and impact on municipal council decision making than at state legislative levels and in the halls of Congress, it is sobering to see that display of intolerance publicized in connection with one wanting to be on Ramsey's council.

It represents an aspect I have not witnessed as a driving force in Terry Hendriksen's worldview or in any of his thinking. Conservative, yes, at times well beyond what I believe wholly wise, but in other directions than lifestyle intrusion; and, with regard to some problems Ramsey faces now, conservative in a helpful way toward individual homeowners and expenses they face. Conservative on spending issues. But less motivated to judge or condemn others in day-to-day life choices.

Hendriksen does listen to Rush on the radio, but has a belief Gestalt far more along libertarian lines, live and let live, than having any theocrat's agenda to advance, at any level of government or in his private life. He likes and keeps horses, and is attentive to wildlife and habitat needs around his home. He is a personal friend, who has done things I admire, and has been helpful to me and my family in personal situations. It is only fair that I disclose there being a friendship over several years as part of this post. Besides respecting how he handled council duties previously, I respect his ability to have kept a small Anoka County high-tech business operational for decades, including through the post-Y2K tech collapse, and to have brought it to the point of being able to sell it favorably in order to retire.

BOTTOM LINE: I am not one (in concert with Watchdog Hamilton) to suggest there is too much similarity between Wayne Buchholz and Terry Hendriksen, although I expect each if elected would be watchful against excessive or unneeded public money spending. Buchholz, however, during last election shared from place to place, yard/highway sign space with Colin McGlone, Matt Look, and Bob Ramsey, three who did spend considerable money - millions - on the Landform consultancy contract and in buying Town Center land out of foreclosure with the intent the city would own and develop it. Again in fairness, Hendriksen last election posted Look and McGlone signs prominently on the lawn of his property along Ramsey Blvd.

However those facts register with readers, again, I believe either Hendriksen or Buchholz would be fiscal conservatives if on council.

Buchholz last election joined others in being critical of Jim Deal, while my understanding is that Hendriksen has a cordial appreciation for Jim Deal's business judgment and accomplishments (although Deal like me is on a different end of the political spectrum).

It would be no surprise if Deal posted a Hendriksen sign along Sunwood at Town Center. Conversely, I do not expect Deal to post a Buchholz sign, nor would I expect Buchholz to ask Deal to do so.

Given such detail, readers can understand why it appeared unfortunate to me that Watchdog Hamilton did not favor us in Ramsey with more detail.

Strangely, in that same post Hamilton wrote:

Talk about a city out of control. From the scandalous "Town Center" debacle to the never-ending quest to spend some money on the failed and nearly as scandalous Northstar commuter choo choo, Ramsey is one messed up city in need of adult supervision.

There's the blind eye thing at play again. Watchdog Hamilton loves and boosts whenever he can County Commissioner Matt Look, yet it is Look more than any individual that is responsible for Ramsey having bought Town Center out of hock instead of leaving it to the private sector, and again it was Look more than any other who was responsible for getting a "scandalous Northstar commuter choo choo" stop - again costing millions - in Ramsey.

Some say consistency is the hob-goblin of petty minds, and in that sense. (if no other), Watchdog Hamilton's mind may be thought of as non-petty.

LOOSE ENDS: 1- Hamilton did note in passing that Buchholz and Hendriksen each seek the same at large council seat which Randy Backous holds while declining to seek reelection; that seat being the only one on the August primary ballot. Two other candidates seek the same open seat, with the Ward 3 seat to be contested in the general election but not in the primary. Jill Johns is unopposed for reelection, Ward 1.

2- It is the Maria Buchholz Facebook image set along with that of their chum Nathan Lukasavitz that has made me question whether Rhonda Sivarajah is less the secular humanist that I credited her for being, and more a same old, same old, cut-from-the-same-bolt-of-cloth theocrat in line with her opponent in the CD6 GOP contest, Tom Emmer.

3- The Buchholz candidacy features Lukasavtz holding up Wayne's Semper Fi campaign sign, although he, himself, just does not look to be Semper Fi material. May he enlist and prove me wrong. It is never too soon or too late, Nathan. Enlist today.

4- I already voted an absentee ballot, and voted for Hendriksen for the contested seat. You can vote early-absentee at the county election office or at the Ramsey City Hall reception desk.