
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

RAMSEY: A reminder - this evening's 7 pm televised city council meeting will include the public meeting on the latest franchise fee proposal.

The franchise fee issue is approached as an ordinance to enact/create a city home rule charter amendment constraining Ramsey's use of franchise fee authority the legislature granted municipalities. It is not an immediate imposition of any such fee by ordinance. The latter type of ordinance requires only a simple majority, at present [which would change under the terms of the proposed charter amendment to requiring a supermajority]. I believe as part of the presentation the City Attorney will explain what majority is required for the council to amend the charter. My understanding is such a step would need to be unanimous.

If you've something you believe needs to be publicly stated at the public hearing, then attend the session. If you only want to see what is said, it is broadcast on QCTV as are all regular council sessions [unlike work sessions which are off-camera but should be broadcast].