
Wednesday, June 04, 2014

RAMSEY - ABC Newspapers reports Council filings.

A comprehensive review of all filings has been posted by Eric Hagen, here.

Regarding City of Ramsey council seats that will be contested this election, Hagen wrote:

In Ramsey, three four-year council member seats are up for grabs.

Wayne Buchholz, Terry Hendriksen, Thomas J. Towberman, and Kristine Williams are seeking the at-large seat currently held by Randy Backous, who decided to not seek re-election after serving one term. This will be only Ramsey race included in the Aug. 12 primary election.

Jill Johns is running unopposed in Ward 1. Johns was elected in July 2013 to fill the remaining year-and-a-half of the four-year term that David Elvig had been elected to, prior to his resignation.

Jason Tossey is not seeking re-election to the Ward 3 council member seat that he has held for one-term. Frank E. Howsmon V and Melody (Hesselgrave) Shryock will face off in the general election for this seat.

So, a primary contest for the at large seat, a general election contest in Ward 3, and an uncontested incumbency continuing in Ward 1.

For info on other races, follow the earlier link. Hagen posted a comprehensive report.

When will yard and highway signs first be appearing? What is the formal open season opening day, for that exercise?