
Saturday, June 14, 2014


Bluestem Prairie, here.

UPDATE: Nobody likes/believes him, neither end of the spectrum; e.g., here.

UPDATE: "U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison, a Minneapolis Democrat who once served in the Legislature with Entenza and was a his classmate 26 years ago at the University of Minnesota Law School" likes Entenza. Big brain fart, Keith. Married to UnitedHealthcare money, food on the family table from there, Entenza is no friend of single payer healthcare reform, on top of being a nuisance to his party - a Marty Siefert of his party. 

Entenza doing this makes crossover GOTV harder, in that the hope should be he gets buried in the DFL primary. Yet DFL crossing over to vote the GOP primary ballot side is so appealing, in CD6, to have a voice at all, given demographics. Perhaps just hope for and let Perske and Perovich win on their merit; their obvious quality over GOP alternatives.

If it turns out people want Entenza over Otto, so be it. But, expect a different result, Otto over Entenza by an impressive margin.