
Monday, May 12, 2014

Thoughts online, about McFadden and his enterprise's business acumen.

Eric Ferguson writing at MPP, here. READ IT.

Can you understand more now about what Darrell Issa is up to, agenda-wise, postal-wise?

UPDATE - A challenging thought experiment: Can you stretch your imagination far enough to credibly [in your own mind], say "Mike McFadden" and "grassroots" in the same sentence?

This link, for where McFadden's money-roots are, and folks, don't look in Minnesota for those "Minnesota names" mentioned. They appear to have gone DC for the money trough, liking it. This excerpt:

The fundraising event will be held at the NRSC's offices, hosted by former Minnesota Republican Sens. Norm Coleman and Rudy Boshwitz, with an entry fee of $250 per person and $1,000 per political action committee. NRSC Vice Chairman Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and former NRSC Chairman John Cornyn (R-Texas) are also co-hosts, as are a half-dozen other senators.

Could an attentive reader offer a comment detailing where "NRSC's offices" are located? And Rob Portman and John Cornyn; what strong Minnesota ties do they represent? Oh, right. Those two guys are as Minnesota nice as the two other guys mentioned in the first paragraph (mentioned along with actual Minesotan, Al Franken):

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) are hosting a fundraiser for one of Sen. Al Franken's (D-Minn.) GOP opponents, according to a copy of the invitation obtained by The Hill.

Now, that of course was back on March 3, 2014; and since then, who's to say, McFadden may have in the interim been in Minnesota. Does any reader know, either way, dates/times the man's been here?

FURTHER UPDATE: The Ferguson MPP item's theme may deserve and attain greater circulation and fleshing out, as we move toward November. There was noted online that a Lindsey Miller, of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, filed a June 2013 FOIA request with the Treasury Department for "Records between Treasury and Michael McFadden, Lazard Middle Market LLC, Goldsmith Aigo Helms, etc."

This link (search the list). Searching a closet for rattling skeletons? Now, if only both parties were to do that ...

FURTHER UPDATE: As one who never watches FOX and who knows not every thing stated as fact on the Internet is so, but when you see a juxtaposition of Bill O'Rilly, Karl Rove, and our "local" candidate McFadden, reposting it and asking whether any reader can discredit as false the troika ties:

Then Karl Rove, who says it is likely that Republicans will capture control of the Senate in November, was on [Bill O'Reilly's FOX show]. And of course no Democratic guest was on for balance.

Rove said this: "There are four Democrats in red states running for re-election, and Republicans stand a good chance in those four seats. There are also three states that were carried by John McCain and Mitt Romney where the Democratic Senator is retiring. Those three states are likely to go Republican as well."

O'Reilly then asked Rove to scrutinize the Senate race in Minnesota, where Democratic incumbent Al Franken is running for a second term.

Rove said this: "Mike McFadden is thought to be the Republican front-runner. He is a former investment banker who started a charter school to serve some of the poorest kids in Minneapolis and St. Paul. He has an incredible record, but he has to get past a primary and a state convention."

O'Reilly, who hates Al Franken because he is a liberal who told the truth about him, said this: "It's a disgrace that Al Franken even got elected in Minnesota. He has voted 100% of the time with Barack Obama, he's a shill, and he's the worst."

It appears to be a believable [likely credible] thread of facts to me.

Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub, ... O'Reilly, Rove, McFadden. Which is the butcher ... ? Which the Minnesotan? Oh, well, never mind that.

FURTHER UPDATE: Tracking down McFadden's Wikipedia page, I concede he has ties in and now resides in Minnesota. I misjudged that.

For those not averse to a little irony, the Wikipedia page praising McFadden notes:

A critic of government shutdowns, McFadden has called the tactic “draconian.” McFadden criticized Sen. Franken for scheduling a celebrity-filled fundraiser during the 2013 shutdown.


His fundraiser, no celebs, only politicians. The ususal suspects.

A new term of political art: Celebrity envy?

FURTHER UPDATE: This Businessweek bio:

Mr. Michael F. McFadden serves as Co-Chief Executive Officer at Lazard Middle Market LLC. Mr. McFadden has extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions, having initiated and completed a wide range of mergers and acquisitions transactions for entrepreneurs, private and public companies, and private equity groups. Mr. McFadden has broad industry experience with particular expertise related to the consumer sector and business services. Mr. McFadden is a past president of the Minnesota Chapter of the Association for Corporate Growth. In addition, he is a frequent speaker on mergers and acquisitions-related topics throughout the country. Mr. McFadden is a board member of Allen Edmonds, a leading manufacturer of high-end men’s shoes and accessories. He is a board member of Cristo Rey Jesuit High School. Mr. McFadden served as Executive Vice President of New York Operations at Lockton Companies, Inc. He served as Chief Executive Officer at The Society of Leisure Enthusiasts, Inc. Prior to joining Lazard Middle Market, he was an associate with the New York law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore. Before graduating from law school, he was a marketing representative for IBM, where he was responsible for marketing large systems to retail and distribution accounts. Mr. McFadden graduated magna cum laude from the University of St. Thomas with a bachelor of arts degree in economics. He also attended the London School of Economics. He holds a juris doctorate from Georgetown University Law Center, where he was a John M. Olin Fellow.

A Mitt clone. Now that's something. One wonders, has he yet written off 47% of the electorate, in private sessions? At his DC fundraisers? He has a knack of making Jim Abeler look like a populist. Then there is Ortman. Neither Abeler nor Ortman are Cravath, Swaine Big Apple alums. To their favor, some may say.

FURTHER UPDATE: Further thoughts online, one clearly about McFadden, the other, possibly.

From our Republican friends, perhaps grassroot Republicans expressing grassroot sentiments. From outside of that big tent, I lack a score card identifying players and teams.


The political mise-en-scène was to have an accomplished private sector man with no record, capable of being programmed by Norm Coleman and Vin Weber to be a plausible alternative to Al Franken, thereby clearing the field of competitors and uniting the Minnesota republican party after a cycle controlled by Ron Paul zealots now returned to party regulars. The Cipher Candidate™ would mouth enough generic platitudes to convince the activist base to fall in behind him and the large money needed in order to take out Franken would flow, the implicit representation being that here was a guy who could self-fund if needed (never true).

Before that scene could be shot, however, reality intervened, leaving the script in tatters.

[... and more, from there]


Who Is Alec Gores And Why Is He Starting A PAC In MN
May 13th, 2014

Who is Alex Gores?

Aplikowski links over, here, wherein we learn:


With GCP II, Gores plans on continuing its disciplined investment strategy developed over the last twenty years. Scott Honour, Senior Managing Director of Gores stated, "We have a unique ability to pursue complex situations and offer speed and certainty of closure that is critical to sellers. With the additional capital base provided by GCP II, we will be able to pursue larger opportunities with the same tenacity with which we have created value in the past."

Lazard acted as placement agent for the fund. "The tremendous success of this fundraising is a result of the differentiated investment strategy, strong track record of returns and the depth and quality of the Gores team," said William Riddle, Managing Director of the Private Fund Advisory Group at Lazard.

Let's see, Schtt Honour, Lazard, ...

Gee I wish I had a scorecard; isn't what's-his-issue the Lazard guy? Mr. Stitch?

Astroturf, water it or don't it does not matter - it's all always the same. Norm, Vin Weber, surrogates ...