
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dahlberg vs. The Robot. Ortman knifed in the back via a flyer. Whose flyer? And other news.

Minn Post, here, on Ortman out, The McFadden down, Dahlberg at 54% and needing 60%; as of early Saturday adjournment.

Faceless bureaucrats of the GOP inner party nominated for Sec. of State, Auditor, may they lose handily. Find your own reporting on that.

Knifing of Ortman: My bet, Gores Group fingerprints on the thing but Gary neglected to identify the specific acid distributor:

Hat tip Gary Gross, here.

So, presumably a Gores Group special, unless some helpful reader holding the thing posts a comment identifying the perp(s) of this thing. Now, to me it is saying Ortman has more cajones than the other parrot flock, by being honest, but that appears to not have played well with conventioneers. Ortman, given that level of attention by opposition forces, should consider NOT abiding by the floor vote/endorsement. A chip on the shoulder would be attractive in going after the perp(s). And taking the message to a primary, the healthcare improvements, limited as they are and with the rollout database problems, truly are water under the bridge; and people want to know about jobs, wages, and the future of their families and children. They don't want theater, robotics, that stuff. They want Franken-like good sense, and that flyer shows Ortman had a bit of it in her favor.

Other news: Strib, here, "Mosquitoes' arrival is no less intense for its lateness."

Other news: Andy at Residual Forces posted nothing so far since May 23. Did somebody hide his laptop?

Breitbart's ghost and Palin like Ortman. Talk radio history, so what? Gilmore likes Siefert.

MPP coverage of GOP balloting by Dan Burns, here.

The DFL contest of interest is Secretary of State, both candidates better than anything out of the GOP show; but Simon being the stronger and better experienced candidate in my judgment. MPP coverage by Eric Ferguson suggests that so far that contest is hanging fire, as is the GOP Guv scrum.

Quote of the day, MPP's Burns:

Update: 7 ballots, no endorsement, and they’ll apparently continue beginning 9AM Saturday. Ortman was dropped after #5. #7 had Dahlberg at 54%, and McFadden at 44.1%. McFadden has made it clear that he’s going to a primary. Dahlberg says he’ll abide. That sounds easy for him to say now, but in fact he’s been saying it from the beginning.

[emphasis added] Pre-convention, Brodkorb predicted Ortman and Siefert. No prize, on guessing Ortman. Re Siefert, the jury is still out, but it seems a safe bet.

photo credit
Coincidently, per here, here and here; Dahlberg is Stanley Hubbard's dog in the hunt, and with that along with Emmer, Stanley's batting average is high this season. [Excuse mixed metaphors, please - let's say Hubbard's bagged two this season, keeping to a hunting theme]

Actually, a better cliche of the day - Big Stan is the power behind the throne. That and freedom of the press is great, and if you think otherwise, ask some billionaire who owns one.

It looks like I Robot, endorsed. No primary then?

I sure messed up, not having a scorecard; Gores Group is NOT into robotics. Into carpet bags. My mistake.

Soooooooooo - It's now Scott Honour time. Make Norm and Vin happy. Somebody else to be endorsed, Zellers and Honour both forecast as stepping back with the primary in mind. Honour's got the money.

Does Hubbard have a Guv favorite?

DFL, SoS, diddling not voting. Still waiting.

.............3:16 PM Saturday, May 31, 2014..............

Johnson got endorsed to run against Mr. Moneybags and Mr. Maplegrove. Bless the three.

Another primary threesome in CD6, Sivarajah, Krinkie, and the one who has a legislative record needing scrutiny. What's that other guy sponsored while being trusted to be a legislator?

CD6 Dems can cross over and vote the GOP ballot, and should.

Republicans can now give back to Andy his laptop. Last post, May 23, he wrote of "Team Thompson." At win or go home time, Thompson did not win. Will he join the other three, in a primary? Another fish in the pond, Thompson that way; and will the one from LA with all the money end up Kingfish? Call him Kingfish? Guess that way?

No, not populist enough for that nickname.

But what will Thompson do? He probably already has lawn signs printed.

How could I have forgotten? Marty's still going primary, more clutter on the GOP primary ballot side.

Yes, Team Siefert. Pam Myhra -- to balance the ticket??? What balance? She never said boo about Emmer DUIs, or what?

From Project VoteSmart:



High school teacher background atop the ticket, inactive CPA on the second spot; balanced ticket, jobwise, genderwise, but on the issues is the idea to make Siefert look, by comparison, like a moderate?

Good luck selling that snakeoil, folks. To snakes, maybe, but primary voters are a cut above that even on the GOP ballot side.

Gary Gross' first post after the GOP convention is judgmental about Siefert; while praising The McFadden.