
Friday, April 11, 2014

Watching the Watchdog. "STAFF?" What staff?

Most Crabgrass readers know by now that the Chairman of the Taxpayer League maintains a website, under his auspices, and with an implication of "hands on" posting.

click the image to read the right sidebar

Curiously, here, there is this:


Erstwhile Alaska governor and former McCain running mate Sarah Palin came down from on high this week to make a Facebook endorsement of state Senator Julianne Ortman in her race to be the GOP candidate to take on Al Franken this fall.

Seriously, does Sarah Palin's endorsement mean anything? Is she considered an opinion leader in the GOP or in conservative circles anymore?

This publication has no issue with Sarah Palin and doesn't endorse candidates, but the immediate thought the staff had upon hearing the news was, "does it matter?"

You tell us, readers. Send an email to Harold at and tell us. Does the Palin endorsement make you more likely to support Sen. Ortman over her rivals?

[red-flagging of text added, email address given in original] If Harold's stuff is ghostwritten, please sir, in fairness to your readers, on that website homepage name the ghosts.

Any Crabgrass reader so inclined is urged to email The Chairman, at that email address with a "Name the Ghosts" email, so that citizen sentiment can be registered with the gentleman.

The Chairman might consider imitation of the MN Progressive Project in its handling of content. Whoever the author of an item is, is identified with the item. For anyone caring, aside from a few guest posts in the past (where authorship was identified), Developers are Crabgrass is authored by one person, as identified in each post footer note. Shouldn't Harold Hamilton identify his "staff" in terms of credibility seeking behavior, since, in general parlance, one is led to believe a watchdog IS somebody's staff-dog, not a dog having a staff of hirelings responsible for the "watching."

BOTTOM LINE: What staff?

UPDATE: Think of it this way: Agree or disagree, Mitch Berg writes his own stuff. Andy Aplikowski writes his own stuff. Gary Gross writes his own stuff. WHO writes Harold Hamilton's stuff?