
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Mary Franson as political saga? Timing of a court filing with a likely contested primary for the seat Franson currently holds.

Coverage, here, here and City Pages, here. Each dated April 23, 2014. Read at your leisure.

This Court docket.

Filed April 21. Answer filed April 22.

TIMING, TIMING, TIMING: Of interest, the City Pages item notes earlier service, with the strangely timed delayed filing:

McLeod County MNGOP Chair Eric Harpel got in touch today to let us know he's sued his ex-girlfriend, Rep. Mary Franson, R-Alexandria, for defamation, illegally accessing his electronic communications, and breach of contract.

Harpel tells us Franson was served on December 7 of last year, "So it's not like she didn't know this was coming."

Wow. Served on Pearl Harbor day. I cannot get a song out of mind. James Brown. The Big Payback.

Also -- Old news, from Perhem. Brian Nelson? Who dat?

Poor Pauline, tied up on the rail tracks: