
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Erik Paulsen, current CD3 Rep., has been as bad in voting as Bachmann and Kline, but has received largely a free pass on his Tea Party ways. It's time to help Sharon Sund in her DFL challenge to the awful CD3 status quo.
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Enlightment in Minnesota's Third Congressional District is still possible. Sund winning has a better probability than Paulsen being struck by lightning, so contribute to better the odds of the DFL taking over that seat.

Most important, here is a subpage of Sund's campaign site, (detailing where you send the check).


P.O. Box 46142
Plymouth, MN 55447-1446

Make the check out to: Sharon Sund for Congress.

It is that simple and for anyone favoring online contributing (via ActBlue), this page.

[Check writers note, please in mailing your contribution pay attention to the personal disclosure needed for FEC reporting, per that ActBlue "DONATE" page. Occupation/Employer info disclosure is a legal requirement; e.g., for me it would be "Retired" as a sufficient indicator. Lobbying ties and such are the target of having that requirement; so it makes sense.]

There was a weak challenge to Paulsen last cycle, when Sund was ignored for the DFL endorsement. Yes, the endorsement process does sometimes fail.

Now Sund's strength as a candidate, with funding support, can carry the challenge to the Tea Partier in "moderate" disguise. The wolf in sheeps clothing. The Kline clone. So -

Go, Sharon.

For a few online links concerning Sund's candidacy; MPR, ballotpedia (where Sund needs to correct a few erroneous footer links to the present), Greg Laden (here, jointly posted at MPP here with a following note, here),, and for the sake of presenting polar opposites on a continuum of coverage; Brodkorb post tagging and Kos. For example, the MPR item reported:

Sund, the Hennepin County DFL chair, dropped her 2012 campaign against Paulsen after losing the DFL endorsement. This time she is the only Democrat aiming to oust Paulsen from the seat, which represents the western Twin Cities metro area suburbs.

In announcing her campaign outside a church in Plymouth, Sund criticized Paulsen for supporting what she called "endless cuts" to federal programs and his brinksmanship over budget matters.

"I want us to reinvest in our children, our seniors and our families and our small businesses," she said.

Sund has said that she will abide by the endorsement process if more Democrats join the race.

"I'm running for Congress because Minnesota families deserve a thriving economy that rewards hard work and innovation," she said. "But with Erik Paulsen that's not happening. Instead, what we're getting is government shutdown tactics and endless cuts."

The lady speaks the truth, and presents CD3 voters a choice between status quo and an upgrade.

The Kos item states feelings I share:

I could go on at great length about why Mr. Paulsen should not be allowed in any responsible public position, but I won't. Bad for my blood pressure. I will only say that I am convinced that Sharon has what it takes to beat him and to be a strong, vocal, progressive voice in Congress.

She is getting into this late. The Tea Party Boy already has over $3,000,000 Koch dollars. Sharon Sund personally has what it takes, but she could sure use a hand right about now. She is going to have attacks to fend off.

Those Koch dollars make opposition harder, but not in any way doomed. So help out, please.

FINAL NOTE: Most contributions (almost all) from my family are handled by another family member, yet each cycle I try to find two or three candidacies or issues that merit my fifty buck token contributory attention (e.g., last cycle, one fifty dollar check to the Democrat running for Paul Ryan's Wisconsin congressional district seat; too bad, the outcome). Sund will be my first foray into personal contibutory support this cycle. Join in, please. The more the better.

UPDATE: Sharon Sund's LinkedIn page, here.