
Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Down With Tyranny! has a recent interesting post on a candidate; Marianne Williamson. With a video.

This link.

For Crabgrass readers who check it out: Opinions after review may vary. (As per comments to the post.)

Thinking Crabgrass readers (as opposed to the handful of Republican read-for-anger ones) will be happy to see Mike Obermueller (DFL - MN-02) listed, here. Also, a Bernie Sanders' endorsement reported, here. If you are sending contributions out of district, or live in Minnesota's CD2, help Obermueller. He opposes evil. And he is opposing Kline. Should you feel they differ.

I may need to research those listed, to see if a modest contribution is merited, from my modest means, because of exceptional quality of candidacy positions and appearances outside of Minnesota's own promising Obermueller candicacy.

In closing: Retire Col. Kline, this cycle. Please.