
Saturday, April 05, 2014

Anoka County - Potholes and County Roads.

In Ramsey, County Board District 1, both Ramsey Blvd. and Armstrong Blvd. suffer severe pothole damage, right now.

Curiously, while driving the stretch of Roundlake Blvd. between Highway 10 and Bunker [Hwy 116], despite much stop and go lighting and heavier traffic, it was noteworthy -- the road was largely free of potholes.

Road bed quality, upkeep, and paving quality may all be factors.

However, the critical question is whether county roads in Ramsey are scheduled for improvement/upkeep later this year, or whether, out of a penurious (penny-wise pound-foolish) tax policy inclination on the Board, road upkeep suffers because politician posturing over lowering the levy or holding the course trumps prudent and needed expenditure for public goods?

Election timing. Add to that the observation - the County Board District 1 seat is not in play this election, but will be in 2016.

That raises the question - will we in Ramsey have to wait that long to see an election-timed attention finally paid our county roads after a period of clear neglect by our board rep and his anti-tax political cohorts on the Board?

Tax policy goes beyond trumpeting holding a course, should that course cost us individually more in automobile damage, via pothole induce wear and tear; i.e., cost shifting in order to appear fiscally responsible might be an actuality in the opposite direction.

The roads appear unforgiving of neglect.

So, as voters should we be?

Most readers are familiar with the "franchise fee" proposal in Ramsey as a means for the town to meet the public duty of maintaining safe and sound town roads. Awareness is there, despite disagreement over how the road needs should best be financed. City of Ramsey, however is not responsible for County roads. The County is. And the county's roads are those most heavily traveled, and coincidentally those clearly in the worse shape.

A town recognizing and making the effort to meet a public duty contrasts with a larger more-inclusive political entity appearing more neglectful. This is not good. All levels of government in the state must recognize and FUND needed road expenses. Government not doing that is all sizzle and no steak.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Where you live reflects the degree of public governmental care your roads get; according to Strib coverage in the Twin Cities area. Hopefully our county is not that way. I would be distressed if the roads used most by the Watchdog [Taxpayer League chairman] get better care and love, than ours in Ramsey.

Say it ain't so, Joe.