
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Anoka County has dumped taxpayer money into a cosmetic website redo.

Levy of Strib reports, here. Most useful page, the sitemap,

Luckily, the property tax [assessor's] search page has not been tampered with [dumbed down]. Yet.

The money for the redo would have been better spent on County Road resurfacing in Ramsey [County Board District 1]. (At least a tad of cold patch pothole work has been done on Ramsey Blvd., making things better than otherwise.)

Levy noted:

“We wanted to design something that would look good and be easy to use on a phone or tablet,” said Martha Weaver, the county’s public information manager.

[link not in original]

UPDATE: All sizzle, no steak? In the search box I typed "liens." 51 items returned, none indicating I can find recorded lien data details, online. What's that worth? A redesign by some firm from Kansas, and no better extended data access? Thanks a bunch.