
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ramsey-specific online reporting, at ABC Newspapers.

This link. Bookmark it.

Especially interesting, comp plan rumblings.

Eric Hagen authored the item, linking to:

Last, it was the 2030 comp plan, now the 2040 comp plan.

Otherwise known as welfare for planners.

Hagen gives meeting time/place info, be there or be square. If garbage in/garbage out rules, fight garbage by attending. The last comp plan authorized more development [more crabgrass] than the Met Council's quota - being, for that reason, garbage out in my view. Viewpoints, clearly, differ.

As an update, any citizen can submit written comments for the record, even if unable to attend a session or only able to attend with family circumstances cutting against dedicating the time. Written comments, if thought out and carefully prepared, may be of more value than being at what may turn out to be a propaganda or a Kumbaya session. Hopefully not.