
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Franken in the crosshairs of a PAC. No surprise, but is it the same Heartland people that had Jungbauer as an anti-global warming skeptic-speaker? Or is it independent, suffering a different kind of credibility problem?

Stassen-Berger of Strib, here, reporting:

This week, the Federal Elections Commissioner posted the registration of the Heartland Campaign Fund, a Super PAC, registered in St. Paul.

Greg Johnson, of St. Paul's Weber Johnson Public Affairs and the PAC's treasurer, said in an email that: “Minnesota voters have an important decision to make on the re-election of Al Franken. The Heartland Campaign Fund intends to engage in a dialogue with voters over the course of the election year.”

Does "dialogue" mean polling, or single sided mud slinging, termed "dialogue?" My bet, the latter.

Heartland Institute, and its Jungbauer ties in the past? See: here, here and then compare here vs. here for a point/counterpoint.

It's all old stuff to regular Crabgrass readers, but if you want to see more:

That's a "Big If," if you value your time.

MPR reports PAC action on both sides of the Senate race's fence. Greg Johnson is the only signatory to the Heartland FEC registration, listing a PO Box as its address.

Everybody has a different Heartland I suppose. Mine is not cheerful toward the blank wall known as "Mike McFadden." He who hides from issues, while Franken's been working hard for the betterment of Minnesota and the nation. McFadden, [...] with nothing of substance to fill in the ellipsis. Doubtlessly he will promise lower taxes.

____________FURTHER UPDATE___________
McFadden's people, and their competence gap. Get them hearing aids, please, ASAP. Or are they up to willful misrepresentation, (of all possible things), in order to gin up money for the Big Mc?