
Thursday, February 06, 2014 is pushing, this election cycle, to pass the MHP; a single-payer Minnesota-based initiative. See the new top sidebar item, as a permanent "featured link" on the issue. This, from an informational email from the organization [you can get on the mailing list, here]:

The 2014 elections are approaching. The PassMHP Political Action Committee is gearing up to help elect legislators who support single payer and Gov. Dayton, who has publically voiced his support for single payer on numerous occasions. It is vital that PassMHP supporters and volunteers are active this year. Because it is not a presidential year we have to work even harder to get our supporters elected. Please make a donation to PassMHP today so we can get to work!

In 2012 PassMHP endorsed and supported eight candidates for the Minnesota Legislature. Because of the donations from supporters like you and weekends spent knocking doors by PassMHP volunteers, four candidates were elected to the senate and three to the house.

The 2014 election is going to be one of the most important to the single-payer movement. The ACA allows states to apply for a State Innovation Waiver beginning in 2017. This waiver will allow Minnesota to establish a state-based single-payer system. In order for Minnesota to apply for this waiver, legislation will have to pass in 2015 or 2016. To ensure that Minnesota can apply for the waiver, a strong coalition of organizations is building a legislative and grassroots movement.

PassMHP is taking the lead of the electoral piece of this puzzle. We will make sure legislators supporting single payer are elected so the coalition can get the legislation we need passed.

Please make sure to attend your precinct caucus, submit the single-payer resolution and come to the PassMHP kick-off happy hour on February 20th.

Happy hour detail where, when, and folks likely to be there:

February 20th at 5:30pm PassMHP Happy Hour Fundraiser at Cowboy Jacks- 126 5th St N. Minneapolis, MN 55401

New PassMHP Board Members

Chuck Sawyer, Chair
Jay Damberg, Secretary-Treasurer
Geri Katz
Alex Eaton
Erin Anderson
Renate Hohman
Megan Gavin
Joel Clemmer
Don Pylkkonen

Besides those dedicated activists, and opposition research moles, be there too!

Did you catch the notice that "welfare for healthcare insurers" need not be the norm in our state -- that email, this key text:

The ACA allows states to apply for a State Innovation Waiver beginning in 2017. This waiver will allow Minnesota to establish a state-based single-payer system. In order for Minnesota to apply for this waiver, legislation will have to pass in 2015 or 2016.

Timing will be important, to have MHP in place, ASAP.