
Wednesday, February 05, 2014

GOP caucus mood, statewide, appears to frustrate Aplikowski with his favorites second in straw polling.

Strib, here:

Seifert, Ortman lead straw poll

With 124 of 127 caucuses reporting, unofficial results posted to the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website early Wednesday showed former House Minority Leader Marty Seifert leading the field in the nonbinding GOP straw poll for governor with 3,788 votes. Thompson was in second place with 3,495 votes, followed by Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson's 2,341 votes. “Undecided” came in fourth. Honour and state Rep. Kurt Zellers of Maple Grove were neck-and-neck for fifth.

On the Senate side, according to state GOP results, Republican state Sen. Julianne Ortman of Chanhassen was in first place, followed by businessman Mike McFadden. “Undecided” was third, followed closely by state Rep. Jim Abeler and Chris Dahlberg.

No numbers reported for the GOP Senate wannabe situation. Just ranking.

Aplikowski posting was noted previously on Crabgrass, here, with linking to Andy's original posts.

It is only a straw poll, and only opinion of a handful of those who will vote in November. But it is a start to things, on that party's agenda of picking, for the most part, challengers. If any reader has Kline vs Gerson data from caucusing in the second CD, or on the Sivarajah-Krinkie-Emmer contest in the Sixth, please add a comment. I could find nothing on caucus coverage within ABC Newspapers reporting, at the time this post was written.

Re Sixth district, St. Cloud Times, here, pre-caucus. CBSLocal, here, post caucus, reporting Siefert and Ortman straw polling victories.

In Ramsey DFL caucusing at which I participated, a number of progressive resolutions were passed, showing solidarity and, to my mind, a greater progressive attitude than prevails in the DFL blocs in the State houses, and in DC.

It was heartwarming.

UPDATE: OMG! Buffoon prevails, per

This pie chart, largest slice to nearest Bachmann clone: