
Monday, January 06, 2014

RAMSEY: Going urban. With Anoka-Hennepin bullying/antibullying publicity, and a possible trend reversal, how should Ramsey face Met Council and growth?

The headline question is left to readers, but to be viewed in light of this Strib item, beginning:

The Schloessers’ move reversed the traditional version of the American dream, in which upwardly mobile families flee the city for the cul-de-sacs of the suburbs. But there are growing signs that the path from suburban to urban is one more and more young couples are preparing to follow — with immense consequences for both cities and suburbs.

“Suburbs were conceived, created and built for families,” said Leigh Gallagher, author of a new book called “The End of the Suburbs.” “That was true in the ‘Leave it to Beaver’ era of the ’50s, and it was true in the McMansion era in 2000. The one thing that was consistent was, ‘This is where we go to have a family.’ ”

“For that now to change is threatening suburban communities in a big way.”

Ramsey still has a few horse properties, in addition to Flaherty's big ticket. Some charm left.

But think over when Met Council hypes TOD and "smart growth," what's really smart about it?

What's smart about paying Flaherty his rental levels? Unless you work downtown regular day hours (never having to stay and work overtime past the last train departure)? That job scenario means Northstar works for you and the easy parking arrangement Flaherty got for you fits as cozy. However, job changing can negate that situation so you may sacrifice a bit of job mobility in exchange for Town Center charm convenience.

The more home than we can afford so hate taxes mentality per Krinkie and Watchdog, then facing life after the real estate bubble burst, and facing a dearth of restaurants and a plethora of pickup trucks (with scratchless beds - show things not working trucks), all that reflects Anoka County as is; most jobs elsewhere with arduous commutes - so what's the future?

What attitude toward growth is really smart? Lake Elmo had a viewpoint on that, and got steamrolled by Met Council during the Council's Ted Mondale era. So, was Lake Elmo right, or does might make right?

UPDATE: Deserved reemphasis; the Strib item expands on the urban renaissance theme with much detail, all worth reading.