
Monday, December 16, 2013

Reporting is that the North Korean official who has been officially discredited as enemy of the state has been removed from all North Korean Internet postings.

Readers can do web searching on their own, on the topic, but e.g., there is this.

The North Korean state propaganda machine has edited and deleted hundreds of news articles that mention Jang Song Thaek, the former top government and party official who was executed Thursday.

The action, which appears to have taken place at all state-run websites, amounts to an attempt by the regime to delete Jang from the country’s official history.

Jang was one of the most powerful men in North Korea and uncle to leader Kim Jong Un. But earlier this week, he was arrested in front of hundreds of senior members of the ruling Worker’s Party of Korea and denounced for numerous alleged acts against the state and Kim Jong Un. [...]

Discredited, and treated not only as if no longer existing, but treated retrospectively as if having never existed.

Done by the state propaganda machine.

As if an enemy of the state, and an enemy of it's working properly, in ways the powerful believe it should.

Have you noticed, George W. Bush's Internet presence these days is almost nil?

Just saying. Here and here. Although time has passed since publication of those items from last year, they appear to remain relevant. Also - Lot's of chutzpah to Kurt "Shutdown" Zellers' now seeking statewide office. Just saying. Lot's of chutzpah.

Reader help requested via comments: Is this thing still up? Are these things selling like hotcakes? Just wondering.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
While there are the items noted in the above UPDATE, a question for readers: Has anyone seen comparable stuff, about Tim Pawlenty? Just wondering.