
Monday, November 18, 2013

United faces a subpoena and possible investigation by the House Oversight Committee. Conservative blogs allege crony capitalism because one of United’s vice presidents, Anthony Welters, bundled hundreds of thousands of dollars for President Obama’s 2012 re-election. A request for a comment from the committee and its chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., went unanswered. But in a letter accompanying the subpoena, Issa and other committee leaders said that they want detailed information they have not gotten voluntarily about every contract, as well as complete details of communications between anyone associated with QSSI and the government since March 2010.

The headline is from two subsequent paragraphs late in this Strib Nov. 17 item, "UnitedHealth's 'moonshot gamble' with Obamacare site risks company's digital reputation - Article by: JIM SPENCER."