
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Santorum also issued a call for the faithful to put their hands in their pockets and pay to see the film and help his business. He said: "I ask for your prayers for me, for our company, for TBN, for all of those involved in The Christmas Candle, and we just want to thank you in advance for everything that you are going to do to help in making this a successful venture." The Christmas Candle, set in the fictional English village of Gladbury and billed as "a timeless holiday film for the entire family", is released in the US on 22 November."

Guardian, here. Don't go away mad, Rick ...

On a more practical note someone, unlike Santorum, for whom actual usefulness was uncovered - this link.

Those two items together got me thinking, if the one is effective as used, what about ...

Then an actuality registered. Releasing that pile film of Santorum on the anniversary of the Kennedy assassination is egregious. The clown could have waited a day or moved a day early.

Joe Kennedy was connected with Hollywood activities in his day, a mover and shaker, and perhaps Santorum had that in mind in making his offensive tasteless choice of days. The man is vile.