
Monday, October 14, 2013

RAMSEY - FRANCHISE FEES - Eric Hagen of ABC Newspapers reports on the public hearing for an initial draft ordinance version.

This link. No quote here, so have a look at the reporting.

There will be the Charter Commission Hearing, which will not be broadcast so interested persons need to show up in person, with it set for Monday, October 21, 2013, 6:30 p.m., in Council Chambers.

Presumably a new draft will thereafter be prepared by staff, questions of Charter Amendment may be voted on in a way to then go to Council, and a new public hearing will be held for what will, in effect, likely be a very different thing.

Hagen notes things said at the hearing, with attribution to specific speakers, etc., although it is unclear in the report if official statements were taken from the meeting event, or follow-up press questioning. Again, online here.