
Thursday, October 24, 2013

RAMSEY - A final appointment to fill the remaining vacancy on the Charter Commission.

The City Clerk is the staff liaison person for the Charter Commission. In an email today Ms. Thieling wrote, "Staff received notification from the Chief Judge of the Tenth Judicial District, that Mark Anderson has been appointed to fill the vacancy on our Charter Commission. His term is through December 31, 2016. The Commission of nine is now fully staffed – no vacancies." I do not know Mark Anderson. Presumably he is aware of the largely unprecedented level of Charter Commission activity in recent days. Although the body moves in fits and spurts with long periods of quiescence, almost volcanic that way, but lesser in consequence, Anderson finds himself amid franchise fee debate, and the smart bet is he hits the ground running. As the newest person on the Commission, it will be interesting to see what views he expresses, next meeting.