
Saturday, October 05, 2013

In antitrust law there is much effort to differentiate between outright collusion to rig a market and conscious parallelism arising from a follow-the-leader parallel action, without ostensible or provable concerted meetings about shared intentions. Then there can always be serindipitous parallelism. Coincidence just happening ...

And after reading the headline, so what?

An earlier post linked to a John Gilmore screed largely against Tom Emmer, but also saying:

Republicans in CD 6 should choose Anoka County Commissioner Rhonda Sivarajah: a true leader, one with solid accomplishments in advancing smaller government and lower taxes. Rhonda is thoughtful, not a blowhard. She knows it takes more than preening and surrounding yourself with yes-men to get real things done. Among other things under Rhonda’s leadership the Board has reduced the county property tax levy by 7.43%—the largest reduction of any county in the state and one of only two counties to reduce their levy; reduced county debt by $30 million; repealed the prevailing wage ordinance for projects that are funded exclusively with local property tax dollars; pulled county support for the Northern Lights Passenger Rail to Duluth and reduced lobbying expenditures by $200,000.

In addition, Sivarajah has been selected by the House GOP caucus for inclusion in Project GROW: growing republican opportunities for women. Learn more about this honor by clicking here.

The stale, old, white boy network has gathered around a genial, easily-manipulated, ego-centric mediocrity. Emmer will do as he's told; he's never been his own man. [...]

[...] Republican primary voters should select Rhonda Sivarajah because she will make them proud. To learn more about the next republican Congresswoman from Minnesota, please click here.

[links are from Gilmore's original post]

Again, so what? We need some context to the headline, with none shown so far. Okay.

There is the Taxpayer League Watchdog, barking over this link, see it, here.

Well how about that? I never guessed Roll Call was that universally popular a thing.

And the barking is not from just any old hound. It is from the Taxpayer League's hound, one with a doghouse in district (and a Record).

So, conscious parallelism?


Actual back room talks, the dads getting together to talk about the children and how to channel their behavior?

It is hard to say beyond noting I was never invited to any table for discussions, to be part of a golfing outing or such, so I am left to speculate as is the case with most readers.

It sure is interesting. Do you suppose it interests Krinkie? That Gilmore link to the Message from Rhonda thing saying, "Washington is full of people who talk and talk and talk. We need to send people there who will actually deliver real results. With the growing debt and the erosion of our freedoms, unfortunately, our kids are not going to have the same bright future that previous generations have had if we don’t act now."

So, the moms and dads, same page, the kids are their concern, and Krinkie, he like Emmer does "talk and talk and talk." Has Krinkie been sidelined by the Chairman? With a caretaker in the Taxpayer League pres/lobbyist seat for now, but Krinkie not destined for DC? What do you suppose Bill Cooper might have to say, between Sivarajah, Emmer, and Krinkie? Who was it Marty Siefert picked as his running mate in seeking the guv nomination and being out done by the Emmer faction?

These higher-in-the-foodchain Republican people do have interesting comings and goings. Soap Opera quality, so watch the show. "Project GROW." Season finale in CD6, Nov. 2014.

Oh, and Gilmore did use the phrase, "the stale old white boy network." But, the Chairman ...

Who exactly are "the stale old white boys" per Gilmore's screed? Cooper, Hubbard, Vin Weber, Gilmore himself? "Project GROW." Gender inclusiveness now? And that pack, they did NOT give us Emmer. Krinkie, perhaps, but Emmer has roots elsewhere. Who exactly are Gilmore's villians, and why did he choose that term? It's like barking over the "old boy" network in Anoka County by the hound, in going to his favorite Erhart tree. Folks, step up, name names. But that will not happen among those who'd in honesty point at each other. Remember you read it here - Soap Opera. Finale, Nov. 2014.

"Who is John Galt?"

Better yet, who is Joe Perske?

Judging from an image, they build bridges in Sartell.