
Monday, October 07, 2013

Hat tip on reporting by MN Progressive Project - Jeremy Kalin drops out as a Minnesota Secretary of State candidate.

Dan Burns at MPP, this link. Read at MPP Kalin's statement explaining a decision to exit the statewide Secretary of State race.

Jeremy Kalin, believe me or better, do your own research, would be an ideal DFL challenger for the CD6 seat, if he would want to throw his hat into that ring. DFL people of influence should lean on him, emphasizing civic duty and promising him due support and assistance. He would have my unequivocal vote and even a contribution.

It's time for a Draft Kalin movement.

Does he live in district, and after CD4 resident Michele Bachmann does that matter any more? He is smart, responsible as a citizen, well mannered and respected, and not a tired Phil Krinkie - Tom Emmer kind of person.

Kalin's record is one of quality, free of heartlessness, pandering or promotion of discord.

Wikipedia. Project VoteSmart, here and here.