
Friday, October 11, 2013

Ehlers was a part of Darren's song and dance. Why in the world would they be rewarded by retaining their "services."

Ladies of the night provide "services." But you don't marry them.

I caught the tail end of what must have been an HRA televised session on QCTV, and that question about Ehlers being retained was tabled instead of promptly and uncerimoniously being voted down. I fail to understand that. They were part of Darren's pitch, which, thankfully, is gone into history. Why should Ehlers not forthwith follow?

As noted, it was the tail end of things I watched, channel hopping from the Liousville-Rutgers game. What is all this about bad fiscal news, mention of Flaherty's thing in that context, valuations? Too bad I missed the rest of it. I do not do streaming video on QCTV's website, so I may catch a rebroadcast, or not. But what's the story? Is it possible Flaherty may default on the loan-subsidy the last council handed them before they broke ground and hired construction help? Is that a part of things? Or magic taxbase fiction coming home to prove what it was all along -- fiction?

Since its inception, Clown Center has been little beyond a giant massive money sinkhole. A brain fart.

_________FURTHER UPDATE_________
I thought it obscene the way the last council leadership went after Ulrich's job, as if the intent was to give it to Nelson. It was the stated plan. However, that peccadillo effectively served to hamstring Ulrich from that point on in doing his job the way we presume he believed best. From appearances, all I can judge from, Nelson seemed very satisfied from the get-go to buckle her seatbelt and let Darren drive.

Does any reader know: Does Wayzata presently have ongoing consultancy contracts of any nature whatsoever either with Landform, or Ehlers? Might the answer to that question evidence a learning curve, one arguably better late than never?

I found it very informative to have Matt Look show up at the franchise fee public hearing to suggest putting the franchise fee to a referendum vote.

I like the degree of concern and enthusiasm he showed when on council to put the purchase from foreclosure of the distressed Town Center land to a referendum; consistency being a reliable, trustworthy trait. Do we see yet one more learning curve thing?

_________FURTHER UPDATE_________
Ryan Cronk, being who Ryan Cronk always was. Never a John Galt on strike from his normal gainful employment. I recall when the CORruption anonymous letter was circulated, how Heidi Nelson destroyed every remaining shred of her credibility (at least with me) by producing a false memorandum, or make that a memorandum falsely denying Ryan Cronk was who he is now and has always been, Flaherty's hunting dog, and that memo was produced if memory serves, before the putsch to give Kurt's job to Nelson. Shifting from that to mythology having no tie to Nelson, the snake offered the apple, it was Eve who ate, but I cannot recall which spouse tempted and induced the other one on try it, you'll like it.

The best of brooms does a complete sweep. Bye, bye, Ehlers.