
Saturday, August 17, 2013

"Neither Pederson nor Sivarajah are up for re-election next year in their current offices." Each takes a free roll of the GOP dice.

The headline quote is from Politics in Minnesota, here.

Also, in stating Michelle Benson is a Sivarajah friend, it quotes her,

In pursuing the endorsement, all of these candidates face the challenge of overcoming Emmer’s name recognition as a former statewide candidate and his strength in Wright County, which boasts the largest concentration of GOP delegates of any area in the state. State Sen. Michelle Benson, R-Ham Lake, stood with Sivarajah when she announced her candidacy on June 12 and supports her bid for Congress. Benson, who is also a friend of Emmer’s and hasn’t officially endorsed Sivarajah, said catching up with Emmer’s position in the campaign is a central challenge for Sivarajah.

“She has to make that extra effort so that people know her, trust her, support her,” Benson said. “People already know Tom, so he’s way ahead on that. A lot of delegates have supported him in the past, so it’s just overcoming that momentum.”

My perspective is that people knowing Emmer cuts in Sivarajah's favor. But that quote is caucus-speak, and among bats in a cave, top bat, they decide. I am no bat. I lack that vote.

More -

Though Sivarajah is seeking the 6th CD GOP endorsement, she has said she’s undecided about whether she will run in a primary if she loses. “I certainly plan to seek the endorsement and be successful in that process, but beyond that I have not made a decision,” Sivarajah said.

The report quotes Sivarajah as discounting the notion some of her recent participation in county board activity was politically motivated,

“There are some people that want to say she’s running for Congress and that’s why she’s doing this. That’s not how I operate,” Sivarajah said.

Benson was quoted

Benson said that as Sivarajah meets with GOP activists, she can tout her record on the County Board as “strong evidence that she doesn’t just talk a good game.”

Not politically motivated, but politically useful? Politicians. They are who they are.