
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Center of the American [Money Bags] Experiment. Five grand to enter and listen to an idiot. Figure that one out.

Scott Honour's roots are in the Center of the American [Money Bags] Experiment. Along with Kent Kaiser's roots. And Pete Hegseth's. Like a troika of rooted potted palms.

NOW -- How much, election-wise, can big money infusions buy?

That is those folks' American experiment.

Strib, here, this excerpt:

MINNEAPOLIS — Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan will speak at a [...] $5,000-per-person private roundtable at 11:15 a.m. on Sept. 26, followed by a $100-per-person luncheon from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. [... as] a fundraiser for the Twin Cities-based Center of the American Experiment.

With as many board members as that thing has, at five grand a pop if every board member shows up and nobody else, there still will be a sizable pot of cash for staff salaries. Hob nob there if you wish, it's your money.

Next, let me double check. Did I headline this "listen to an idiot?" I meant to.

Experiment this: Could that bunch have picked a more representative key-noter?

THREE CLOSING THOUGHTS: My bet, Harold Hamilton is better with his money than to conclave with these people. (Will any reader of Crabgrass who attends please post a comment on whether or not there was a spike-collared bulldog there watching.)

Opinions may differ, but I would not pay three cents to listen to Paul Ryan. Pay me enough, and I might sit through ten, fifteen minutes of his brand.

Last, do you suppose former Roseville Mayor and former CD4 MNGOP head honcho, John Kysylyczyn, will be able to attain press credentials and cover the roundtable and luncheon gratis, for Harold?