
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Now Harold Hamilton has two dogs in the hunt. Rhonda and Phil.

Latest Strib, this link. Krinkie proves there are a million ways to say, "NO" but he can invent another:

Krinkie, who represented part of the district in the Minnesota House until 2006 but who now lives in Shoreview, said he and his wife plan to move back into the Sixth Congressional District.

Asked if he would abide by the Republican Party endorsement, meaning Krinkie would drop out if he does not get activists’ nod at their convention, he said that he hoped to win the endorsement and that he would take “one day at a time.”

If Krinkie can carpet bag MN6 from Shoreview, what's to stop Allen Quist?

Also, where exactly did Krinkie learn that "one day at a time" phrase? If he advances, will he have an Emmer moment? And were Krinkie to win, who'd then be front man at Taxpayer League? There are a host of musical chair possibilities.

Harold should run. Make it a triple play. In any event, in the primary election I might vote the GOP ballot side. Rhonda would be the least disruptive, standing tall among Bachmann clones. But the big question, what will be the mood and preferences of GOP caucus goers? Who will be endorsed? Rhonda, by default, would be my guess.

Last, Brodkorb has not been reported as yet to be an MN6 GOP hopeful, so we wait and see. He'd liven up the primary, if he takes the step. Surely were he to run in MN6 and win we all should expect a learning curve effect where he'd keep senior staffers at arms-length.

Sally Jo Sorenson has posted on Bluestem Prairie of the latest Krinkie business, here; linking to St.Cloud Times reporting, here. PiPress cites the same Times source.