
Tuesday, June 04, 2013

REPUBLICAN HIJINKS - With Matt Dean rumored wanting the CD6 seat, while in the far eastern part of the gerrymandered thing, there now are rumblings from St. Cloud, the district's western terminis ---- and points between.

This link. Sommerhauser of St. Cloud Times wrote in part:

State Sen. John Pederson edged closer to a run for Congress on Monday, announcing he’s forming an exploratory committee for a campaign in Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District.

Pederson, R-St. Cloud, is one of many Republicans eying the seat in the wake of U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann’s announcement last week that she won’t seek a fifth term.

[...] Earlier Monday, former GOP gubernatorial nominee Tom Emmer, who said after Bachmann’s announcement that he’s strongly considering a congressional run, indicated he’ll make an announcement Wednesday in his hometown of Delano. Emmer is considered by many political observers to be a leading GOP contender in the 6th District.

Other Republicans who’ve expressed interest in the seat after Bachmann’s announcement include former House Majority Leader and state Rep. Matt Dean of Dellwood, state Reps. Tim Sanders of Blaine, Peggy Scott of Andover and former state Reps. Jim Knoblach and Phil Krinkie. The Star Tribune also reported this weekend that two Anoka County commissioners, Matt Look and Rhonda Sivarajah — the latter a former GOP lieutenant governor candidate — have interest in the seat.

Can one imagine Michele Bachmann's feelings about the story of her departure from Congress growing legs in such a direction?

There is this online, about Hemingway's "The Snows of Kilamanjaro":

You just know things are going badly when the story opens with the image of vultures circling in the air and the protagonist apologizing for the odor of his rotting leg and then suggesting that his wife either amputate the limb or shoot him. [...] Harry's death and dying is punctuated by self-examination and frequent recollections of his past. Much like Tolstoy's character, Ivan Ilych, Harry too has squandered his time and talent. Only near death does he comprehend the truth about his life. He realizes that despite the trappings of comfort and success, he is a lonely man who is actually bored with everything, even his own death!

And that says nothing about the DFL's ambitions and ambitious, in CD6.