
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ramsey - Sakry reports. A new engineer. A renewed towing contract. Ward 1 - miss the filing window, and you are not on the ballot.

Towing contract reported, here.

On the engineering department restaffing start, an excerpt from here:

One of the biggest projects facing [Ramsey's new head of engineering, Bruce] Westby is the city street reconstruction plan.

Creating a street maintenance plan is one of the things he worked on at his last job as Monticello’s city engineer, said Westby, who started his new position April 8.

Among the things Westby had to work out for the Monticello plan was how to pay for the scheduled sealcoats and overlays and when the projects were to be done, he said.

“It’s fun, like putting a puzzle together,” Westby said.

Before going to work for Monticello in 2005, Westby’s worked for the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s (MnDOT) central office for three years.

Westby started his career with SRF Consulting Group and moved to SEH Inc. after seven years.

[...] “I wanted to see things built,” he said.

As a consultant, he designed projects and sent the plans out the door. He never got to see them being built, Westby said.

As time passes, many will hope Westby will have the Armstrong interchange built during his tenure. As with others, a new Mississippi bridge may elude his tenure.

Either way, potholes beckon on a daily engineering - public works basis.

Read Sakry's full report.


Finally, Ward 1 candidates must file candidacy papers with the city clerk on or before the first Friday of June, June 7 being the deadline. This page. Filings will be accepted up to end of the city working day; 4:30 pm. With no primary, a plurality vote may win it. The more the merrier. No longer residing in Ward 1, I will not be filing - although to do so while residing in Ward 2 would make Jo Thieling's life a bit more complicated, and it would only cost five bucks ...

No. Not that mischief.

Jo has enough complications already. With my data disclosure requests, and all, she has proven herself as a patient and cheerful person. So - reside in the ward, file in the ward. That and paying five bucks, and you are on the ballot ... Signs and mailings being optional but effective in gaining name recognition.