
Friday, May 24, 2013

Andy at Residual Forces comments about polling. A series of Franken vs. Republican bum of the month hypotheticals. What about Al Franken vs. Matt Birk?

MinnPost photo, here.
Yes, Birk is Republican; e.g., here, here. Mary Kiffmeyer probably could fix Birk up on a blind date with ALEC. Birk probably at least knows who Rand Paul is, more so than Michele Bachmann knowing much real about Rand and Ron. But she fakes it, "My Way" being her favorite song.

But, such a sorry field, and Dave Hann was not even in the poll. Nor Zellers nor Daudt. Who else, the New Hampshire guy who briefly represented Minnesota's Eight Congressional District? Andy's beloved Soldier Hegseth?

Underlying links: Andy's post, here. Poll reporting, here.