
Saturday, April 06, 2013

Ramsey - An interesting Agenda for the next HRA meeting has been posted.

The online agenda link, here.

That agenda, specific to Landform, here.

There are items related to the agenda summary where, without review, an understanding of the issue might be incomplete.

Specific to McDonalds and such, possible city expenses in Town Center where the burger business may locate, here.

Again with documents to review.

Contact information for mayor and council members, here; should you wish after reviewing agenda documents to lobby your mayor, at large reps, and ward rep. Calling w/o review of agenda items would be improper, to say only, "I don't like this; I don't like that." These are people with their own day jobs, while receiving only a modest stipend for council service, etc.; so prep your beliefs and understandings before you ask them to give you time to discuss issues.

The major action is on the HRA agenda, as outlined above. However, this work session item seems like a waste of city money on a bunch of unneeded signs; and it includes in attached documents some grandiose sign monument stuff from the consultancy's days. The whole thing should be revisited, in terms of what is needed - roadwork - and what is frivolous spending - sign mania.

Some may have sign mania, and wish it on the rest of us. But at what cost?