
Friday, March 29, 2013

The problem with anonymous comments, when one is worth publishing on its own, you do not know who to say "Thank you" to. Re Dayton, legislators who should be ashamed of themselves, Wilfare, and the Great Zygi, King of Park Avenue.

I will get to the comment to an earlier post that deserves elevation to a post of its own.

First, to set the stage never forget that the Great Zygi became the King of Park Avenue while having his purple tie on and his purple corporate hand out for a mega-sized subsidy from rubes in Minnesota - something both houses of our esteemed legislature fell over one another to give him, and something our elite governor cheer led. This screen capture from here, and this Google help to set the stage for what is a simple, short truth we all should seize and promote.

Click the image to enlarge it for viewing the full splendor.

With that opulence in mind, and how Zygi got a deal on price, add the thought that his deal on the Palatial Park Avenue digs pales in consequence when compared to the deal our esteemed public officials have passed, to quell his billionaire impulses to have Adrian run the ball in some other town should we have been unwilling to stand and deliver. Well, then, here is the anonymous comment worth its own post, simple in concept, true in intent:

There is no contract between the State of Minnesota and the Vikings.

There is only a law, passed by the State of Minnesota, that can be repealed.

And it should be.

For now - Go to your local bar. Pull on that e-tab, folks. The profit you generate is for a good cause. An exceptional cause.


Subsidize the billionaire bastard, because Adrian can run the ball? Get real. Your neighbors have had their home foreclosed, you know some who've lost their jobs. Mark Dayton, hang your head in shame. Union bosses, do the same since identical pump priming amounts for the rank-and-file could be spent on infrastructure expansion and repair. And NOT Michele Bachmann's Bridge to Nowhere. Real, NEEDED, stuff. Not Zygi, not the Bachmann Bridge. Treat the public right. Repeal the Wilfare Act, THIS SESSION.

For more of the same about Zygi's Park Avenue splendor, this link, "That’s a Lot of Lutefisk! Inside Zygi Wilf’s $19 M. Valhalla," using the apt term, "The Mustachioed Mock Minnesotan." Ya betcha, and read the comments.

A message to the comment author, and to all readers. I subscribe to Jim Abeler's email legislative updates, and he is holding a Town Hall meeting tomorrow, Sat. March 30:

That is a cut/paste screen capture from the email, where I included the email survey address. It is not a hot link, I encourage readers to take Abeler's survey, with this as an active link:

It would be interesting if Abeler, at the town hall session, is asked about whether he'd support a repeal of the Wilfare Act, and if not, why in the world not. He is my Rep., so I hope to be there. A Profile in Courage would be sponsorship of a repeal.

____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Tell me again, DFL Representative, GOP Senator, "Who's Zygi."