
Friday, March 15, 2013

Guardian covers clown convention.

This link. Read it and laugh.

Per Guardian, [at 11:42 am, ET] Dump Bachmann strangely did not get the recognition for blog excellence it deserves. Read Guardian, figure out why. (Hint: Blame Blogee bias, not Bloggor merit.)

Side show props:

Strangulation as a theme, presumably Chris Christie, a non-invitee, a non-teamplayer - call it a BO problem:

Rand Paul as most ambitious, wanting to strangle the entire existing elephant.

Queen B:

(Never mind flocking drone bees, it's as always cameras, mics, that cause the Queen B. high.)

photo credits, Politico, here

Queen B. did hand out the dubious achievement blogging award -- to another queen B; for a body of work clearly a cut away from Dump Bachmann; e.g., here and here. First comment on the latter item speaks to dimensions of Republican navel gazing over the recent hurt.