
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Andy at Residual Forces asks a good question. Why is Minnesota's sole progressive member of Congress, Keith Ellison, being consciously ignored by the press?

Ellison is no Ted Mondale, who is more like Bill Cooper than he is at all like Ellison. Ellison is outstanding. Ellison is no Max Baucus. Ellison has a conscience and hopes for a better world.

Yet he is marginalized, where Andy correctly notes, Representative Crazy Eyes gets tons of coverage and acolades and largely a free pass against bigotry being noted by the press.

Andy's post is online here, and while he vilifies Ellison for being a lone true and traditional left voice in the wilderness of DC; Andy is correct on the relative amounts of press attention given to the best member of either house of Congress Minnesota has, vs Rep. Crazy Eyes.

It is sad to see competence and spirit and sound judgment marginalized, while a poseur is given great attention.