
Saturday, March 02, 2013

ABC Newspapers reporting on upcoming LWV session exploring water supply sustainability in our north metro region. Water sustainability IS a major growth-constraining factor.

This link. The item speaks for itself.

Crabgrass earlier post, here. That post included captured presentation images and links providing a helpful background that interested people can consult before going to the LWV session.


League of Women Voters ABC hosts the event.
Site: Andover Senior Center
Date: Monday evening, March 11, 2013
Guest Speaker: Lanya Ross, principal environmental scientist with the Metropolitan Council
Topic: “Water Supply Sustainability in the North Metro.”

Social time and refreshments start at 6 p.m., followed by the program and discussion at 6:30 p.m.

For additional information, the LWV contact person is Katherine Whelchel at

North metro residents concerned with water, and growth should note that Met Council has a growth advancement-advocacy bias; while water sustainability issues need to be viewed in a larger "growth as but one factor" mixed-mandate sustainable resource management context, something DNR has published on and clarified. That DNR item highlignts the broader perspective goal should be viewed as:

A Vision for a Sustainable Quality of Life

In its Directions for Natural Resources 2000, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) established two sustainability goals:
❒ Maintain, enhance or restore the health of Minnesota ecosystems, so that they can continue to serve environmental, social and economic purposes.
❒ Foster an ethic of natural resource stewardship among all Minnesotans.


LWV notes the Andover Senior center is "next-door to Andover City Hall at 1685 Crosstown Boulevard NW." (Enter the City Hall parking lot from Crosstown, and proceed to the end of the parking lot.)

Maps - Andover Senior Center
(Detailed map first, second map may prove more helpful. If you are as unfamiliar with Andover as I am you might want to go to Google Maps and get a routing from your home to the event site - this map is presented for those already familiar with Andover streets - click the thumbnail to enlarge and read - the first map key is below the thumbnail)

Here is a larger map, with Ramsey residents likely either taking Hwy 116 or Hwy 10, and turning north at Hanson.

click map to enlarge and read

To understand the Met Council as one player in an "overlapping jurisdictions" regulatory arrangement in Minnesota, with regard to water resource management, this is a helpful webpage.

With the Met Council imposing comprehensive planning within its seven county area, it tends from that 800 pound gorilla perspective to appear as a unilateral force; so that the referenced page helps to "put Met Council in its place" as but one part of a larger scenario.