
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Comments solicited. An open thread for any reasonable thoughts readers might want to share.

I will start things by raising an issue I wonder about. I could have used a sidebar poll, but an open thread, on any topic, with a brief post was my choice. ANOKA COUNTY WATCHDOG - your thoughts??? Is Harold Hamilton's opinion site relevant and sound, relevant but wrong, irrelevant, or would you rather discuss something else? Is the ANOKA COUNTY RECORD too tied to the WATCHDOG to be taken seriously, or is it objective and unbiased in your view? Is it in any real sense, "a newspaper?" Comments are moderated because some submitted in the past had insufficient merit to be published and indulged mainly in gutter talk. So, be sincere, and choose your wording carefully, please. But any topic, NRA, DFL, DARPA, trade with China, whatever.

Up for reader comment also, this report of City of Anoka capital spending on its Northstar stop area. More detail, here.  Also, City of East Bethel, branding and rebranding. That last item has comments to the report, while I have not looked for comments on the Anoka-Northstar stop reporting. Readers should check for comments in the Strib and ABC Newspapers reporting.

________FURTHER UPDATE_______
Strib reports rosy outlooks, in Ramsey. Perhaps people selling or wanting to sell used townhomes in Town Center may see an uptick in interest and pricing opportunity. Perhaps not.

Reader thoughts, about this?