
Monday, February 25, 2013

And besides all that, Michele Bachmann on an Intelligence Committee is an oxymoron.

I was forwarded the following email:

Please join Daily Kos and our partners at People For the American Way as we call for the removal of Rep. Michele Bachmann from the House Intelligence Committee. Click here to sign the petition.

Rep. Michele Bachmann is known for her fear mongering tactics; she’s been peddling Islamophobic conspiracy theories about a top aide to Hillary Clinton who Bachmann claims is helping the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrate the federal government and has implied that President Obama is working to spread global Sharia law.

Conspiracy theories and religious McCarthyism should have no place in our government, especially in the House Intelligence Committee, on which Rep. Bachmann sits.

Someone like this should not hold a seat on a congressional committee that is entrusted with classified information and privy to information about matters of national security. Please join Daily Kos and our partners at People For the American Way by signing the petition calling on House Speaker John Boehner to remove Michele Bachmann from the House Intelligence Committee.

Keep fighting,
Rachel Colyer
Associate Campaign Director, Daily Kos

HELLO, fellow Iowegians. I was born here. Be proud that way.

Recent commentary, Silence of the Goat, here and here. Then, Goat silence, turning into little but the single minute rest between slugfest bleating rounds.

Constancy in the universe, on small scales, like planetary orbits in a larger sense, cannot be long or greatly perturbed. Laws of science do not allow that.