
Monday, January 07, 2013

WaPo - "Obama to nominate Chuck Hagel for defense secretary, John Brennan to head CIA."

Headlined article, this link.

This Google, re Hagel.

This Google, re Brennan.

Republicans and/or neocons do not favor the choices. All the more reason to think them sound.

Former Minnesota Sixth District Republican Congressional Candidate Aubrey Immelman, whose opinions and reasoning I respect, in a recent series of posts, here, supports Hagel. When running Immelman characterized himself as, "a Chuck Hagel Republican."

Sharp knives for Brennan, NYT here and here.

On Hagel, here, here, and here. Presumably, unless Obama were to pick Mitt Romney's good friend, Bibi Netanyahu, the neocons would be howling as loudly, despite hindsight. (Maybe Bill Kristol might be okay also, in a pinch, second choice.}

Haaretz, on Hagel, here.

How do you suppose Sixth District Congress Rep. Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann will vote? Hint: she is a Wisconsin Synod Tea Party kibbutznik.

The Chosen One. Go figure. My guess is Hagel is not one of Bachmann's favorites.