
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

RAMSEY - Moving away from contracting out essential services -- In the news. City engineer opening. Updated date: 01/14/2013 - 9:10am

City Website, off the homepage to: This link.

Here for the application packet.

Note that "In the news" items change, so hopefully sooner than later, the two links go dead - meaning a suitable hiring would have been made.

Two absolutely fine engineers were lost in the past year or so; Brian Olson and Tim Himmer. With luck, applicants of comparable quality are available, in the metro regions or statewide.

Contracting out was an interim step, but continuity of institutional memory should be the goal. Institutional memory was lost when both Olson and Himmer departed weeks apart.

Olson was city engineer for over a decade, and his loss hurt most. Steve Jankowski was also long tenured and is missed.